We are all set to go to Northern Colorado and Denver for two 5-day homestays. Our host clubs have exciting itineraries for us to give us a varied and interested journey. We are taking nine FF Austin members and a guest from Memphis. It should be a great journey and Northern Colorado is set to come stay with us in March 2025.

On September 10 we will hold the Austin Leadership meeting open to all. We have been saying let's start doing short activities with our own members. Do you have an idea for the club? Bring it to the next Leadership Meeting. How about a day trip for the painted Churches?  Or that elusive tour of Round Rock.  We are meeting at the North Village Library at 2505 Steck Ave from 2:15-4:15.  Immediately following the meeting we have happy hour at 4:30 at Jack Allen's. Located off Anderson Road  near the Mopac. 

Here is the 2024 Leadership Council members.

Thanks to committee leaders for 2024:

Help Wanted: Please participate in the membership committee as it will be fun and creative to find new members. The upcoming incoming Journey from the Gold Coast needs our members to help and participate. Also, send your club information to Lisa Judge for the next newsletter. 

Have a friend who would like to be a member?

If you have not renewed your membership for 2024 send your check for $45 made out to Austin Friendship Force to our treasurer Judy Ratliff  1322 Nightingale Dr, Cedar Park, Tx 78613  For new members it is $45 plus $10 for a badge.  - see application

To find out more about International and Austin Friendship Force look at our

 New Members Welcome Brochure.

Are you getting our communications?

FF Austin Communications will  be coming from Google Groups where they used to be from Yahoo Groups. If you are not receiving notes, contact Joseph Hunt (joshunt@sbcglobal.net)

The Latest Newsletter is here

The Summer 2024 newsletter can be found here. Press this link to view.   The deadline for articles for the Spring newsletter is March 10. Thank you Lisa Judge for preparing this for us.  Please think about contributing your travel and Friendship Force items of interest to the next newsletter. Send a note to our editor Lisa at lisaclarej@gmail.com  for her consideration. 

2023-24 Journeys and coordinators:

Interested in getting more involved? Contact any Leadership team member to see how you can help. Also, we are actively seeking new members, so talk it up with your friends, neighbors, and social clubs.

The Ten Commandments of Ambassadors  - a must read - touch this link

Can't wait for our next trip? Visit Friendship Force International and join another club on their trip. 

We are the Austin chapter of Friendship Force International. We join others around the world who believe that "a world of friends is a world of peace".  This is a people to people program to learn about each other and strengthen ties of friendship.  We hope you will join us!!

Click to enlarge the picture (use Back button to return here)!!!  (3 MB)


Our club was established in 1984.  Our mission is to sow the seeds of friendship across the nations of the world.  Since 1985 our active members have participated in Friendship Force sponsored trips to Australia, Africa, Cuba, Europe, the Far East, the Middle East and South America. In addition, Friendship Force clubs from Australia, New Zealand, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Peru, Russia, Taiwan, and some within the United States, have visited us to have the Austin Experience.


Our members are adventurers who enjoy forging new friendships as we explore places around the world.  We live, work and play in Austin and the surrounding communities when we aren’t traveling.


A typical inbound/outbound exchange.

    Travel to the exchange location is usually arranged by the member. Exchanges are typically one week at each club and some exchanges may go to two clubs on an exchange. The exchange begins with a welcoming party for the arriving ambassadors. Ambassadors are hosted at club member homes during their visit. During the visit ambassadors see sites of interest in the area. The exchange concludes with a farewell dinner with our new friends. Often an exchange will include an optional after exchange tour.


We are committed to the following pledge:

As a member of the Friendship Force, I recognize that I can make a difference. I recognize that I have a mission. That mission is to be a friend to the people of the world. As I embark upon this adventure, I know that others will be watching me. I know that through my own example to my own fellow citizens and the people of other countries, the cause of friendship and peace can be furthered. I can make a difference.



For more information on the Austin Club or to receive a membership application

eMail us at joshunt@sbcglobal.net or download this link

Learn more about Friendship Force International at http://www.thefriendshipforce.org

                                                                               Contact Information

Welcome to Friendship Force of Austin