Austin Club On-going Events
• Monthly Happy Hour or Luncheon
Each month we catch up on the latest travels of fellow members at Happy Hour meetings or luncheons held at local restaurants. Meetings are the third Tuesday of each month, 5:00-6:30 p.m.
• Monthly Leadership Team Meeting
At our monthly Board Meeting, the officers plan future outgoing club exchanges and in-coming visits from other clubs. All members are welcome to come and participate. Meetings are the third Tuesday each month, 4:00-5:00 pm.
• Quarterly General Meeting
Four times a year we gather at the General Meeting to eat, discuss outgoing trip wishes to submit to National and renew friendships. Meetings are held in March, June, September and December. Our December General Meeting is a festive holiday affair hosted by a club member.
• Yearly Outbound Trip
Once a year our club visits another Friendship Force club, either in the United States, or abroad. We stay in the homes of members of the hosting club and are shown local sights by their members. We meet their families, share meals with them and often form lasting friendships.
• Welcome Party for Incoming Visitors
When we host visitors from another club, either from another US city, or an international club, we organize a gala welcoming party at a local venue or in a member's home. See the Calendar of Events for the next Welcome Dinner.
• Annual Christmas Party
We look forward to a warm and friendly reunion with club members at the annual Christmas party. It's a great time to catch up on members' travels, plan for the next year, and recall fond memories of Friendship Force activities through the past year. Great food, good fellowship and a congenial atmosphere are always part of this annual event.
Come join us this month!!